Imperial Osetra Caviar Bio (A. gueldenstaedtii)

Original price was: €300.Current price is: €240.

28 in stock


Imperial Osetra Caviar Bio (A. gueldenstaedtii)  100 g is a rare treasure, one reserved for true connoisseurs. Its intense flavours and complex undertones recommend it as a true delight. The imperial caviar grains vary in colour from earthy tones to golden ones, thus granting it a place among the imperial court’s riches.

Imperial Osetra Caviar Bio (A. gueldenstaedtii) can be obtained from specimens that are in the second or third cycle of maturation. These specimens offer larger eggs with a firm texture. The taste is very aromatic and the texture is creamy. This caviar comes from the European sturgeon species (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) which is a marine, benthic fish of the family Acipenseridae (Acipenseridae) that lives in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and migrates to breed in the rivers that flow into them: from The Caspian migrates to the Volga, the Urals, the Cura; from the Sea of Azov – in the Don; from the Black Sea – in Rion, Dnieper, Bug, Dniester and Danube.
Adults feed in the sea on molluscs, crustaceans, polychaetes, less on fish; in the Danube with the larvae of ephemeroptera and other insects, crustaceans and fish, especially the gorse (Alburnus alburnus). For reproduction, they migrate from the sea to the rivers in the spring, from February-March to May.

It has economic importance, being a fishery. After all, the goshawk has the tastiest meat among the acipenserids. It is eaten fresh, salted or smoked. It is also prepared as a marinade. Batog or balac is prepared from salted, dried or smoked spinach. Its roe, dark gray in color and sold fresh or pressed, are highly prized.

Weight 100 g